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HCG Day 5

Yes that's mustard on my apple. Mustard is one of the condiments I am allowed on the HCG diet and I was curious. I would like to state this categorically with no equivocation: yellow mustard on apples is delicious. It's also visually appealing in this case drawing comment from my coworkers. And I'm going to put this out there, its really helpful when co-workers, who don't know what you are up to, come up and tell you how beautiful your lunch is. I've been making an effort to make my food visually appealing because like most people I eat with my eyes. It was nice to hear that I was not just deluding myself. I took that lesson to last night's dinner, which was the same combination as the night before, but I put it on a smaller plate, which really helped it look and feel like a lot of food. Today is day 5 and my third day of the vlcd (very low calorie diet). I was most worried about today because it's a weekend and weekends often involve a lot of couch time and a lot of big fancy meals. I was a little hungry when I got up, but my cup of coffee took care of that. I weighed in a 270 pounds which marks 3 more pounds of weight loss. *TMI WARNING* So far I have not had any negative side effects except for a little diarrhea, which I'm pretty used to anyway.*TMI WARNING* I was a little foggy yesterday afternoon but very productive. I'm still not sure if the fogginess is the diet or the allergies. I can say that my allergies are better today and I am not foggy, but that could just be a coincidence and I have not left the house yet. I have a lot more energy than I was expecting to have and don't feel like I need to limit my activities at all. In fact, yesterday at lunch I went for a 25 minute walk -- from my office (around Perkins peer) to North Winooski Ave (around the city market) and back. I will have to get better about wearing my watch so that I can keep track of the steps. For today I got sneaky-clever and made soup. There is no better way to add volume to your food than to make a soup. I had unusual ingredients for soup, but I made it work. Holy wow did I make it work. It was one of the best soups I have ever made. Here is the recipe: 2 beef bullion cubes (ten calories) 1 Medium apple (cored) 2 cups of spinach 100g of chicken Salt, pepper, onion and garlic powder, and turmeric all to taste -- I am heavy handed with the black pepper. Boil all ingredients until the chicken is cook and then put it in blender to make it as fine as your blender will allow. Don't strain it and use a spatula to get every last bit of food out of it. The texture (in my blender) turns out like unstrained smoothy, but because its hot it actually eats really well. Texturally it reminded me of a cream free broccoli soup. I'm looking forward to dinner where I have a tomato, strawberries and 100g of beef to work with. More tomorrow. Until then...