HCG Day 3

Despite the last two days of binging, this morning I weighed in at 275, which marks 3 pounds of weight loss since yesterday. I think this weight loss is due to the loss of water caused by my sugar being very high for the last two days; it may also be that I am burning calories repairing the tissues I ripped during the previous week. Either way, it was nice to wake up to good news. I typically skip breakfast, or just have 3 pieces of bacon so it's too soon to notice anything today. I am looking forward to my sugar coming back down to normal ranges so that I can get a good nights sleep tonight. Waking up every hour to pee does not make for a restful night. My mood is good, my energy is normal, perhaps more stable, I am alert and clear headed -- at least as much as usual. Lunch: 100g of chicken (weighed before cooking) 1 medium tomato, 1 apple. and a cup of tea. To be honest this felt like a lot of food. I'm sure I usually eat 3 times the calories at lunch but in far more compact foods. I'm still feeling good. Starting tonight at dinner, I'll start taking pictures of my meals. until then ...